
MorphOS - Amitopia trenger MorphOS skribenter etc.

AmiDelf - Nov 09, 2004 - 11:09
Post subject: Amitopia trenger MorphOS skribenter etc.
Amitopia er en norsk Amiga tidning, som er medlem av Norsk Amigaforening etc. Bladet inneholder alt om AmigaOS4, MorphOS, Retro Amigas etc++ Bladet sitt mål er å gi lesere et annet perspektiv på hva Amigaen var og er.

Amitopia distribueres via meg og GGS data. Takker GGS masse for støtten.

Dette er hva bladet inneholder:
- Nyheter
- Tester
- Scenen
- Retro (endel faktisk!)
- Spilling/Games, både nye og gamle
- Intervjuer
- Shows rapporter

Bladet er nå på 22 sider, hvor av 4 sider er i farge. Bladet koster nå 50,- NOK pr utgave.

I denne utgaven har jeg blant annet:
- Aweb staff intervju 2% ferdig
- Gjennomgang av alle Team17 sine Amiga spill for Amigaen 80% ferdig
- Papyrus Office test 5% ferdig
+++ mer

Vil gjerne ha med folk til å skrive for bladet/tidningen. Samme om du er norsk, svensk eller dansk. Vi forstår hverandre litt ihvertfall Smile Tenk på Genesi Scandinavia, såh Amitopia Scandinavia kan vel ikke være så ille det heller? Smile

Meld dere på her på forumet gjerne. Viva Amiga und Viva deh MorphOS we all enjoy using day by day!

Regards, hilsninger, fra
Michal Bergseth, redaktør/editor for Amitopia
gunne - Nov 11, 2004 - 17:06
Post subject:
Hej AmiDelf

Måste ställa lite frågor till dig här.

Skall du ha två tidningar ?

Eller är AmiTopia + MorphOS magazine samma tidning ?

Det är mycket kul med en tidning. Om jag får komma med en lite personlig reflektion här, så tycker jag lite att du kanske skulle försöka fokusera på PowerPC. Detta för att tidningen inte skall få en 'etikett' som att den är knyten mer eller mindre till något operativsystem.

Jag har själv försökt söka lite efter företag som arbetar med PowerPC, och det finns en del som gör det. Fundera lite på det.
AmiDelf - Nov 11, 2004 - 22:34
Post subject:
Well, Amitopia is a magazine for everyone. Not only PPC. The magazine also focuses on Retro stuff.


Any comments?
gunne - Nov 11, 2004 - 23:00
Post subject:
So you are already training in using different languages, Swedish, Norwegian, English... ? Smile

What I was thinking about is if the magazine should focus on times of today or on past times ? Of course there is always space in a magazine for retro stuff. It is also surely a very important part.

And what i also was thinking is that you perhaps would like to have articles, interviews etc with people that working with PowerPC solutions in different aspects. As you mentioned AmigaOS 4, MorphOS I believe you have the aim to write also about PowerPC hardware ?

But perhaps you are also thinking about two different magazines as you wrote about MorphOS magazine earlier ?
AmiDelf - Nov 11, 2004 - 23:11
Post subject:
Well. Maybe 2 magazines is too much? Smile

Well, if we start focusing on Amitopia in the first part, which also contributes with PPC hardware. As in the last Issue, we had this test AmigaONE vs PegasosII.

The magazine will focus on this:
- PPC Amiga alike hardware
- MorphOS and AmigaOS
- Classic Amiga
- Supporting ELBOX
- Lots of Retro stuff, so that people today can learn how the past was etc.

Amitopia is here to stay. MorphOS Magazine would only contain MorphOS things. Even much more deeply than Amitopia etc.

So, for me its okay to create 2 magazines. But what I want, is writers for Amitopia aswell. I've got some for MorphOS Magazine. Thanks for that! Amitopia is also getting attention.

I Love Amiga and its community, thats why I want to share the knowledge. Either its blue or red.
gunne - Nov 12, 2004 - 07:32
Post subject:
Ok, I got the point.

I was thinking about to write a lot more, but will save that to another time.

Keep up the good work with the magazine.
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