Hardware - ..: Pimp My Rack :.. ironfist - Feb 15, 2006 - 23:47 Post subject: ..: Pimp My Rack :..
<b>Look what I got today!</b>
It's a 32U (800 mm deep) rack cabinet with fans, shelves and
everything you need..
Click here for more pictures!
Now show me pics of <i>your</i> rack/cupboard/pile of machines!
<b>Bring it on!</b>
Trizt - Feb 15, 2006 - 23:51 Post subject: RE: ..: Pimp My Rack :..
Should we trade? you can get an Amiga 1200 in exchange ironfist - Feb 15, 2006 - 23:56 Post subject: RE: ..: Pimp My Rack :..
Hrm.. I already have one working 1200 and one that is fried.
So.. thanks, <i>but no thanks!</b>
lisardman - Feb 16, 2006 - 03:52 Post subject: RE: ..: Pimp My Rack :..
kozz - Feb 16, 2006 - 05:56 Post subject: RE: ..: Pimp My Rack :..
Ahh, Crabfire...
English lisardman - Feb 16, 2006 - 09:15 Post subject: RE: ..: Pimp My Rack :..
what the hell does a printer in a server-rack
dholm - Feb 16, 2006 - 09:35 Post subject: RE: ..: Pimp My Rack :..
Who is going to pimp it and in what way?
Translate your original post!
ironfist - Feb 16, 2006 - 09:45 Post subject: RE: ..: Pimp My Rack :..
<b>Lisardman</b>: Why do people have monitors in server-racks?
Convenience, my friend.
lisardman - Feb 16, 2006 - 09:49 Post subject: RE: ..: Pimp My Rack :..
Yes they have.. attached to a kvm-switch
ironfist - Feb 16, 2006 - 09:54 Post subject: RE: ..: Pimp My Rack :..
And printer.. connected to a server.
<b>Come on!</b>
dholm - Feb 16, 2006 - 10:26 Post subject: RE: ..: Pimp My Rack :..
How are people going to access the printer? Would everyone who are using the printer have access to the keys to the rack? Doesn't sound very convenient to me, or rather a bit too convenient. Trizt - Feb 16, 2006 - 10:48 Post subject: RE: ..: Pimp My Rack :..
Maybe the paper falls down and comes out under the server cabin door? ironfist - Feb 16, 2006 - 11:10 Post subject: RE: ..: Pimp My Rack :..
<b>dholm</b>: Total control. I will censor every printed page by
<b>Helena</b>. Less dust in the printer aswell. Lot more dust
if it would be outside the cabinet than inside. And <i>convenient</i>
to get rid of one more ugly item from a desk. This printer was
always stuffed up by the servers, though.
So who gives a shit about my printer. MORE PICS! I know you
have stuffed up machines and servers aswell.
Trizt - Feb 16, 2006 - 12:35 Post subject: RE: ..: Pimp My Rack :..
Give me your other rack case and I'll take photos ironfist - Feb 16, 2006 - 12:38 Post subject: RE: ..: Pimp My Rack :..
Haha, it's an IKEA cupboard modded with 4 120 mm DC-fans..
lisardman - Feb 16, 2006 - 13:43 Post subject: RE: ..: Pimp My Rack :..
more dust in the servers..
ironfist - Feb 16, 2006 - 14:25 Post subject: RE: ..: Pimp My Rack :..
<i>"Everyone bites the dust.."</i>
lisardman - Feb 16, 2006 - 15:59 Post subject: RE: ..: Pimp My Rack :..
hmm.. du kan inte din queen inte.. anotherone bites the dust...
ironfist - Feb 16, 2006 - 16:07 Post subject: RE: ..: Pimp My Rack :..
<b>Lisardman</b>: This is an English forum.