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Re: New desktop for MorphOS

(Score: 1)
by Trizt on Mar 23, 2005 - 18:53
Nice to see this kind of project, I hope Gerber will wake up to reality and see that he isn't that important for MorphOS that he thinks (it seems like he thinks the universe does rotat around him). I wish Marian good luck with his project.

Title of admission...
There is that AmigaOS - each see ( see ). It was foreshadowed (presaged) MorphOS as " better " AmigaOS. And there is so almost < law (as of right) >. Almost < law (as of right) > - because it does not concern it " better " part < frequent > wizulanej - or Ambienta. Pretty (beautiful), color icons in new ( as on ) format amisystem, simple panel everything in a new way it is possible to expect it that system - not . In (to) whole multimedia (? It has run out most important something ) commotion - utility. AmigaOS3.x And they gave him (it) certain convenience of use Workbench. In this respect it came off definitely < determination > Ambient. It was advise different in case (accidentally) through application < applicable > Workbencha moża zamienników - Magellan, Scalos it does not know these programs from we - who. However, however, otherwise, there is in case (accidentally) MorphOS-a however, that means no of it - not gun trouble-free ( zamienników, that start-up is not possible . ).

Athene? Nemesis?
Bright (plain) has become end of year 2004, that it belongs to expect no turning-points (ravines) in theme of desktop for MorphOS-a. Several were capability in result of stormy debate on one of channel - ircowych it establish -, that make something with (from) highest pore < time > " it ". Concepts were two - what is something either (or) " " already ( portować Scalos? ) Either (or) something from bases begin building (creating). Concept second (other) has prevailed after enough short time - and this way, it has been born " " project Athene it has been renamed which (who) from the point of view of existence of similar project on market on fastly PC - enough ( ) " " Nemesis.

Why Nemesis?
Present hero pore < time > - or it walks about that with (from) " it " Nemesis. Konfigurowalność And convenience Results here, two basic foundation of new desktops -. Results what? It uses any (every) blessing # Nemesis MUI so, appearance of individual element depends on your imagination - only and there is unit in (to) integrity ability # Nemesis full access to each element of desktop is package of basic component for user on which (who) bases each - external class give # build personal Nemesis and unique (unrepeatable) " " nemesis. Now it from that elements window decide fold (consist), where and that is menu. You do not need be programer enable designing of each element of desktop with whole package case (together; time) - available program ( ). It for programer package of class # Nemesis, objects, methods and attributes it is possible to substitute each class personal -, method if (or) overload attribute - if you be able to write personal class has before you no secret - Nemesis.

Word finally...
Unfortunately, does not have rouge (roses) without thorns - - but time is these thorns in this case (accidentally). Has to be duped that - although let's several persons takes part become (stay) in project anonymous ( momentally ) weeks are on revolt - completely acting version wanted. But it can and months. It does not scant eagerness, ideas too ( but new appear still ) so, - while that - remain only wait. Ps. Pictures and first test versions will appear soon... :D

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