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Topic: Linux

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More Linux based ULCPCs
Posted by: Trizt on Saturday, June 07, 2008 - 09:19
Submitted by Trizt
The Asus Eee PC 700-series was more or less the start of ULCPCs for the ordinary people with Linux pre-installed, around the 26th of June ASUS will release the new Eee PC 900 which has a better display, larger SSD and more RAM, but otherwise the same as the 700-series. The Eee PC 901 will have even more SSD (if you buy the Linux version with Xandros), the new Atom CPU and is supposed to have up to 8 hours battery time (Atom optimized kernel is supposed to have given 25% extra battery time). There will also be Eee PC 1000 and 1000H, where the former has a 40GB SSD and the later a 160GB hard drive, both with a 10 inch display.
Acers senior corporate vice president, Jim Wong said recently, "We really need to continue our journey on Linux, we can develop it more and we will try to develop alliances with more partners. Linux is a lonely word. We need to try to create a community." Acer and many other companies has seen that they can earn more money by selling Linux machines, as they can then have a better margin as they don't have to pay microsoft anything.

Read more:
Asus presents 4 new Eee's
Acer loves Linux

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Ubuntu 7.10 For Pegasos and Efika
Posted by: ironfist on Saturday, October 20, 2007 - 16:39
Submitted by ironfist
Since PowerPC is no longer supported by Ubuntu, other platforms must fix the support themselves. Peter Czanik (czp) has released bootkernels for Ubuntu 7.10 for your Pegasos II and Efika.

The best link is this thread, where you can download the kernels and read what you need to do.

Good job Peter!

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RedHat to strengthen it's position in China
Posted by: Trizt on Saturday, August 25, 2007 - 09:14
Submitted by Trizt
As the largest strategic move since entering the Chinese market in 2000, RedHat toghether with Sofmit have established a RedHat Southwest SOA Solution Center and China SOA Service Center in Chengdu.

After the foundation of these two centers, RedHat, Sofmit and Chengdu Tianfu Platform Software Outsourcing Company will join hands with many institutions of higher learning to train talent for the development of high quality and low-cost Linux system and open source solutions.

The whole article can be found at ChinaTech.

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Fedora 7 Released
Posted by: ironfist on Friday, June 01, 2007 - 17:35
Submitted by ironfist
The GNU/Linux distribution Fedora 7 was released yesterday. This is the first release to include both Fedora Core and Fedora Extras.

Ars Technica writes:
"Fedora 7 features the latest versions of many popular open-source software programs, including GNOME 2.18, KDE 3.5.6, Xorg 7.2, and version 2.6.21 of the Linux kernel, with integrated KVM virtualization support. The version of Xorg 7.2 included in Fedora 7 features extensive support for display hot-plugging, a much-anticipated feature that will hopefully eliminate the need for frustrating Xorg configuration tweaking typically required for multiple monitor configurations and projector support."

Release notes
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The Seneca Freedom Toaster, a new way to distribute open source
Posted by: Trizt on Tuesday, May 29, 2007 - 06:18
Submitted by Trizt
The at the Linux Club at Seneca College, in Toronto, Canada, built a Freedom Toaster. It's a kiosk that will burn open source stuff on the user's blank CD/DVD for free. One of the team members, Andrew Smith, posted at alt.os.linux, "It took ~4 months to build and a lot of people were involved but it worked out alright. The software I chose to be most relevant to the curriculum: Open SuSE, Fedora, Ubuntu, OpenCD, Knoppix, and Free DOS. Yes I heard someone still uses DOS around here, but really there was simply nothing better. "
Those of you visiting Seneca College can go to the library and use the toaster.
For more information about the project, visit the projects home page.

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Gentoo 2007.0 Released
Posted by: ironfist on Wednesday, May 09, 2007 - 20:28
Submitted by ironfist
The Gentoo Release Engineering project is pleased to announce the much-delayed release of Gentoo Linux 2007.0, code named "Secret Sauce". This release met with several delays due to an abnormally high number of security vulnerabilities in large packages which had to be rebuilt using the newer, secure versions of the packages. There was also a complete resnapshot done about half-way through the release period due to the release taking so long and the packages becoming stale.

Download here

Click 'Read more' for the official press release.

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Ubuntu 7.04 Released - No More PowerPC
Posted by: ironfist on Thursday, April 19, 2007 - 17:54
Submitted by ironfist
Ubuntu 7.04 was released today and what has been discussed for many months seems to have come true. There appears to be no official PowerPC version available. The following versions are available:

Ubuntu Desktop:

Ubuntu Server:

Download from your local mirror here.

(4514 Reads) 6 Comments Printer-friendly page

How to Install Crux PPC Linux on EFIKA
Posted by: ironfist on Sunday, February 18, 2007 - 09:01
Submitted by ironfist
Here you find basic documentation on how you can install Crux PPC 2.2 to your EFIKA. The installation method described is over NFS.

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Ubuntu PowerPC edition reclassified as unofficial and revert of video drivers
Posted by: kozz on Tuesday, February 13, 2007 - 22:15
Submitted by kozz
Now it's final, the PowerPC edition of Ubuntu is reclassified as unofficial. It means that a community team will take over the support, if tests and bug fixes will not be made by the community the PowerPC edition will fall behind in the release schedule. A PowerPC edition of the next version of Ubuntu will most likely still happen.

In the very same announcement The Ubuntu Technical Board made an announcement about closed-source drivers for Feisty. There has been a lot of discussion whether the next release of Ubuntu, codename Feisty Fawn, should be shipped with closed-source drivers enabled by default of not. The reason would be to be able to enable desktop effects by default and offer a better "3D Desktop" but at the cost of less freedom and a harder time to track down and fix bugs. Now the final decision is made - no Nvidia/ATI closed-source drivers will not be enabled by default. They will still be easily added through the repository just as before.

Read more at the ubuntu-announce-list.

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Torvalds says, "Windows Vista over-hyped"
Posted by: Trizt on Friday, January 19, 2007 - 21:59
Submitted by Trizt
In a ComputerWorld interview Linus Torvalds says, "don't actually think that something like Vista will change how people work that much, I think it, to some degree, has been over-hyped as being something completely new and I don't actually think it is. One of the things we will probably notice is the hardware requirements for Vista are obviously much higher, and that could end up helping Linux just because people notice that you can run Linux on machines and have it work very well even if that same machine couldn't run Vista at all."

Read the whole story at ComputerWorld

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