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Topic: Amiga

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Amiga Future subscription campaign for more pages
Posted by: lisardman on Tuesday, July 25, 2023 - 21:13
Submitted by AndreasM
An Amiga Future issue currently has 52 (+4) pages.
+4 means that we temporarily have four additional pages in each issue due to the amount of advertisements.

However, we generally want to increase the number of pages in the Amiga Future in order to have more space for editorial content.
There is more than enough for testing. We only need the space for it and of course a few editors and translators as well.

In order to be able to finance this permanently, we simply need more subscribers. Well ... a couple of long-term advertisers for the magazine and homepage wouldn't be bad either, but this is only about the subscribers and the number of pages.

We have calculated the whole thing more precisely. In order to be able to finance four additional pages, we need 24 NEW subscribers. For eight pages we need 48 NEW subscribers.
Ideally, subscriptions with CoverCD.

That's why we started a counter with immediate effect. If we create 24 new subscriptions by the 30. April 2023 , we will have four more pages in each issue of the Amiga Future in the future. With 48 new subscriptions even eight pages more.

And if there are more than 48 new subscriptions ... Well, let's think about it if the miracle should really happen. ;)

You can find the current status of the campaign on the Amiga Future Webpage at the top.

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Amiga Future issue 160 - 25 Years - released
Posted by: lisardman on Thursday, January 19, 2023 - 12:26
Submitted by AndreasM
The English and German issue 160 (January/February 2022) - 25 Years - of our print magazine Amiga Future has been distributed today, and can also be ordered directly from our editorial office at Amiga Future, and from other Amiga dealers that stock it.

Magazine Content:

Review Aquabyss
Review Warp 1240
Special Amiga Future 25 Years Part 1

and so much more ... if you haven't already, right now might be the best time to get your collectable copy ordered, before they're all sold out!

For a more detailed description of its contents and previews of this issue click-on link of the Amiga Future magazine hompepage.


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Amiga Future issue 150 released
Posted by: lisardman on Thursday, May 27, 2021 - 08:25
Submitted by AndreasM
The English and German issue 150 (May/June 2021) of the print magazine Amiga Future has been distributed today, and can also be ordered directly from the editorial office of Amiga Future, and the other Amiga dealers that stock the magazine.

Mag Content:

Interview Hubo Labrande (Tristam Island)
Review Raspberry Pi 400
Review Dodgy Rocks

and so much more ... if you haven't already, get your collectable copy ordered today

A more detailed description of the contents and previews of this issue can be found at the Amiga Future magazine hompepage.


btw. Make a look at :)

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Amiga Future issue 146 released
Posted by: Trizt on Tuesday, September 15, 2020 - 10:42
Submitted by AndreasM
The English and German issue 146 (September/October 2020) of the print magazine Amiga Future has been distributed today, and can also be ordered directly from the editorial office of Amiga Future, and the other Amiga dealers that stock the magazine.

Mag Content:

Workshop Lüttje Bookholler
Review Red Pill
Trevors Soapbox

and so much more ... if you haven't already, get your collectable copy ordered today

A more detailed description of the contents and previews of this issue can be found at the Amiga Future magazine hompepage.


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Amiga Future issue 145 released
Posted by: Trizt on Friday, July 03, 2020 - 08:20
Submitted by AndreasM
The English and German issue 145 (July/August 2020) of the print magazine Amiga Future has been distributed today, and can also be ordered directly from the editorial office of Amiga Future, and the other Amiga dealers that stock the magazine.

Mag Content:

Review The Queens Footsteps
Review Distant Suns
Special Action Replay Amiga 500

and so much more ... if you haven't already, get your collectable copy ordered today

A more detailed description of the contents and previews of this issue can be found at the Amiga Future magazine hompepage.


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Amiga Future issue 144 released
Posted by: Trizt on Monday, May 04, 2020 - 15:41
Submitted by AndreasM
The English and German issue 144 (May/June 2020) of the print magazine Amiga Future has been distributed today, and can also be ordered directly from the editorial office of Amiga Future, and the other Amiga dealers that stock the magazine.

Mag Content:

Review Tiny little Slug
Review AmiCygnix
Review Rotator

and so much more ... if you haven't already, get your collectable copy ordered today

A more detailed description of the contents and previews of this issue can be found at the Amiga Future magazine hompepage.


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DOOM for Amiga
Posted by: Trizt on Sunday, April 26, 2020 - 18:58
Submitted by Trizt
KK of the demo scene group Altair is making a Doom clone for the Amiga 500.
The system requirements are a mere 7 Mhz Amiga 500 with 1 MB of RAM!

There are two videos showing how he is making the game for Amiga 500 which do look quite impressive.

Episode 1: Making "Doom" clone for Amiga 500

Episode 2: "Doom" clone for Amiga 500 - Laying out the map

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Amiga + Java = TRUE
Posted by: Trizt on Saturday, April 04, 2020 - 16:17
Submitted by Trizt
Have you ever wished to be able to run Java on your Amiga? If it's possible, then there is a number of more applications you would be able to run on the Amiga, sorry but this ain't a theoretical question any more, Mike Kohn has ported Java Grinder for AmigaOS (at least compatible with Amiga 1000) and could run the demo on his A1000:

Full story:
Java Grinder:

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Amiga Future issue 143 released
Posted by: Trizt on Thursday, March 05, 2020 - 19:14
Submitted by AndreasM
The English and German issue 143 (March/April 2020) of the print magazine Amiga Future has been distributed today, and can also be ordered directly from the editorial office of Amiga Future, and the other Amiga dealers that stock the magazine.

Mag Content:

Special AmigaOS 3.1.4 part 4 (A round of talks with the developers)
Workshop Synchronising partitions
Review Insanity Fight Construction Set

and so much more ... if you haven't already, get your collectable copy ordered today

A more detailed description of the contents and previews of this issue can be found at the Amiga Future magazine hompepage.


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The Amiga Future magazine - Issue 142 preview is now available to view online
Posted by: Trizt on Friday, December 13, 2019 - 17:48
Submitted by AndreasM
This is the full colour preview and excerpts of the Amiga Future issue 142 (January/February 2020) can now be viewed online on the Amiga Future website.

Some of the interesting articles in this issue are:

Show-report Amiga 34
Special AmigaOS 3.1.4 part 3
Special FPGA Amiga Clone

Of course there's so MUCH more actually in the magazine.

Needless to say you often get other versions of software, often what was commercially available, as well as some of the latest try-outs or freely released software applications and games for, hopefully, all of the Amiga type Operating systems, so that's Amiga 'Classic', OS4, MorphOS, and AROS, including some PD software for these systems, all on the Readers' cover CD.

A detailed description of content and excerpts of this current issue can be found at:

The Amiga Future magazine is available as an English and German printed magazine - every issue is available in FULL COLOUR - directly available from the magazine editorial office and also from various other Amiga dealers.


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