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Ubuntu Hoary Hedgehog Installation Guide
Posted by: kozz on Thursday, August 18, 2005 - 19:20
Submitted by kozz
I have written an installation guide for how to install Ubuntu Hoary Hedgehog on a Pegasos computer step by step. And now when I wanted to post it I realized there is not actually any good way to post it here on :( We will see what I can to about that...

Anyway, for now I included it in this news post, press Read More to read it.

First of all you need the Ubuntu Install CD for PowerPC, available at
Then, since the kernel on the CD does not have any support for Pegasos (next release of Ubuntu will hopefully have that), you also need a special boot kernel. The kernel just boots the system, it still uses the Install CD as usual.

I have made a kernel which can be found on:

There are also other around, Sven Luther has for instance one here:

And more which I don't have to URL to, choose one...

You probably need some way to get the new kernel to the harddrive, on a filesystem that can be accessed from SmartFirmware. It should also be possible to put the kernel on an empty CD, boot the kernel from it and change CD when the installer asks for the Ubuntu Install CD. But most cool is to boot your Pegasos over the network with tftp. Do what suits you best.

To start the install write something like this in Smart Firmware, depending on where your kernel is located:
> boot hd:0 ubuntu-install.img root=/dev/ram

Now the installation starts, just walk through it and configure it the way you want. But, at the last screen when the installer tells you about how to boot the machine with yaboot you have to stop. Unforntunately yaboot is, currently, not supported by SmartFirmware so we have to make a bootable kernel for our new system.

Press alt+f2 and then press enter to active a console.

Run the following:
> chroot /target
> apt-get install binutils
> wget
> dpkg -i mkvmlinuz_13ubuntu1_powerpc.deb
> mkvmlinuz
> rm mkvmlinuz_13ubuntu1_powerpc.deb

And maybe
> apt-get remove mkvmlinuz
if you want to.

(If you don't have a Internet connection on the machine you are installing on you have to get mkvmlinuz_13ubuntu1_powerpc.deb to the machine in some other way.)

You should now see an image in /boot with the name vmlinuz-2.6.10-5-powerpc, that is the kernel you can boot the machine with.

Press alt+f1 to go back to the installation and finish it.

After the reboot you can boot your newly installed system with something like,
> boot hd:1 boot/vmlinuz-2.6.10-5-powerpc root=/dev/hda2

Then after some time when a few programs had been installed etc you should have a nice brown login screen...

Ok, so now your system is installed and everything seems good... but !
You might, as me, get disappointed that you only have a Gnome desktop and also wants KDE installed. Luckily, that is easily solved, simply start Synaptic from System->Administation->Synaptic Package Manager from Gnome and install kubuntu-desktop. After that log out and choose to use a KDE session instead of Gnome when you log in.

Good luck !

Ubuntu Hoary Hedgehog Installation Guide | Log-in or register a new user account | 6 Comments
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Re: Ubuntu Hoary Hedgehog Installation Guide

(Score: 1)
by gunne on Aug 18, 2005 - 20:45
(User information  | Send a message
Very nice guide.

Thank You !


Re: Ubuntu Hoary Hedgehog Installation Guide

(Score: 1)
by lisardman on Aug 19, 2005 - 08:47
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as you all already know.. Install XFCE4 instead.. :P but it is nice thou.. why not try to build your own special ubuntu cd for pegasos? and include the kernel for pegasos:es on that...

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