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Topic: Amiga

The new items published under this topic are as follows.

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CygnusEd 5 Demoversion now online
Posted by: gunne on Monday, June 12, 2006 - 11:24
Submitted by AndreasM
from today the Demoversion from CygnusEd 5 for AmigaOS4 and 68k/MorphOS are online.

CygnusED - Support


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Amiga Future 57 and 58 online
Posted by: ironfist on Friday, June 09, 2006 - 11:35
Submitted by AndreasM
Here you can read the old issue 57 and 58 from the German print-mag Amiga Future.

Furthermore, many issues of Amiga Future are available for a heavily reduced price.


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Announcing availability of CygnusEd 5
Posted by: gunne on Tuesday, June 06, 2006 - 16:40
Submitted by AndreasM
Starting today, CygnusEd can be ordered from APC&TCP.

Upgrades from older versions are available at a reduced price. In order to obtain an upgrade you will need to mail your old CygnusEd floppy disk or CD-ROM to APC&TCP. APC & TCP

The support home page for CygnusEd 5 also went online today: Support page

The associated support form for CygnusEd can be reached under Support Forum

Dealers who want to sell CygnusEd should contact APC&TCP directly by e-mail.

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Purchase cost of 2 cars
Posted by: gunne on Monday, June 05, 2006 - 13:13
Submitted by gunne
At Aminet is a software to find that lets You compare purchase cost of 2 cars.

Read more and download the software here: Autokaufvergleich, version 1.8

Note, the software as well the documentation is in german only.

Find more recent software at Aminet

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Amiga Future: New Full Versions Online
Posted by: gunne on Wednesday, May 24, 2006 - 10:28
Submitted by AndreasM
There have been put around 15 new full versions on the download section of the Amiga Future homepage. We wish lots of fun with it.

If someone should know license holders of commercial games and applications or even is reading this it would be nice to get in contact via email. Of course we want to put a lot of more full versions in long term on the Amiga Future homepage.

If someone wanted to write descriptions for all those downloads (in English and German) we would be grateful to get in contact. We are too busy to do it ourselves.

At this point we want to remind that many old issues of the Amiga Future are available in our online shop beginning with just 1 Euro and that issue 59 is nearly sold off.

Amiga Future | APC & TCP

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Pictures from the Polish Amigameeting AmiMajówka
Posted by: gunne on Sunday, May 21, 2006 - 23:33
Submitted by gunne
Here are some pictures from the AmiMajówka 2K6 Amigameeting that was in Poland, Krakow during this weekend.

Find pictures here: AmiKRAK (Note, site in polish language)

Direct link to picture gallery

Some more pictures here now: Picture gallery

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Amiga Future 55 and 56 online
Posted by: gunne on Tuesday, May 16, 2006 - 09:12
Submitted by AndreasM
On the Amiga Future Forum you can read the old issue 55 and 56 from the german print-mag Amiga Future.

Amiga Future

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APC&TCP: All NoCover issues online
Posted by: gunne on Saturday, May 13, 2006 - 20:23
Submitted by AndreasM
Today we upload all issues from the german Diskmag NoCover. You can download the 125 issues on Amiga Future


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Updates of Amiga & MorphOS cross-compiler setups
Posted by: gunne on Saturday, May 13, 2006 - 11:55
Submitted by gunne
Joachim Birging made an update of his cross-compiler setup for MorphOS following the changes in the recently updated MorphOS SDK. Also some changes to the cross-compiler setup for AmigaOS 3.x have recently been made.

Find more information following this link: Zerohero cross-compiler pages

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Various software updates from
Posted by: gunne on Friday, May 12, 2006 - 11:50
Submitted by gunne
Some new software updates from OnyxSoft:

- ActivateWindow is a tool that lets you activate, move to front/back a window as a hotkey.
- AllKeys is a tool that lets you use all mapped rawkeys including MultiMedia-keys in your system.
- Annotate is a text editor with a lot of nice features.
- Macc is a mouse accelerator with a couple of settings.
- MPlayer-GUI is a GUI-frontend for MPlayer.
- TheMPegEncGUI is Graphical User Interface (GUI) for MPEG Audio-encoders.

OnyxSoft Home page

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