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Topic: Amiga

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CygnusED available as a download version
Posted by: Trizt on Thursday, May 30, 2013 - 21:27
Submitted by AndreasM
Since today CygnusED 5 is available in the online shop of APC & TCP at a discounted price.

Of course CygnusED will continue as usual to be available on CD.

CygnusED is the most famous text editor for the Amiga.

The program was developed 25 years ago (1986/1987) by Bruce Dawson, Colin Fox & Steve LaRocque (CygnusSoft software) and originally appeared as a self-distribution.

Olaf Barthel developed the program continuously and for some time the version 5 is available.

Obtain detailed information on their support page at the URL .

But not only CygnusED is now available as a download version. Other products from APC & TCP such as Roadshow, Data Workbench, Gunbee, Marblelous and others are also available as a download version.

Furthermore, PDFs of sellout Amiga Future issues are available from the online shop.

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Amiga Future issue 102 released
Posted by: Trizt on Saturday, May 18, 2013 - 20:27
Submitted by AndreasM
The English and German issue 102 (May/June 2013) of the print magazine Amiga Future has been distributed today, and can also be ordered directly from the editorial office of Amiga Future, and the other Amiga dealers that stock the magazine.

From the issue 94 the Amiga Future magazines will be printed in full colour.

Mag Content:

Pandora Teil 2
StormC5 Editor
Frogatto & Friends

and so much more ... if you haven't already, get your collectible copy ordered today

A more detailed description of the contents and previews of this issue can be found at the Amiga Future magazine hompepage.


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Amiga Future monthly News April 2013
Posted by: Trizt on Tuesday, April 30, 2013 - 21:05
Submitted by AndreasM
It's time again, a month has passed again, spring is finally back and on the Amiga Future homepage was done a lot.

So many new files are available for download, a new gallery is online, issue 86 was added, the preview for the Amiga Future 102 is online and much more.

1.4.2013 PD Serie Fish online

Since today the PD series Fish is available for free download in the download area of the Amiga Future Webpage.

3.4.2013 Retro Madrid pictures now online

Over 6,000 visitors and 43 exhibitors attended the Retro Madrid from March 8. to 10. 2013.

The RetroMadrid is the largest event of its kind in Spain.

We were there and made a series of photos for you and have placed them on the Amiga Future webpage.

You find a fair report in the Amiga Future issue 102, that appears on the May 5th 2013.

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Amiga Future issue 101 released
Posted by: Trizt on Saturday, March 09, 2013 - 21:33
Submitted by AndreasM
The English and German issue 101 (March/April 2013) of the print magazine Amiga Future has been distributed today, and can also be ordered directly from the editorial office of Amiga Future, and the other Amiga dealers that stock the magazine.

From the issue 94 the Amiga Future magazines will be printed in full colour.

Mag Content:

MUI Royale

and so much more ... if you haven't already, get your collectible copy ordered today

A more detailed description of the contents and previews of this issue can be found at the Amiga Future magazine hompepage.


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Roadshow Update released
Posted by: Trizt on Monday, March 04, 2013 - 19:07
Submitted by AndreasM
Roadshow has been released in version 1.9

The update archiv is available for free on the website of Roadshow.


- The names of the configuration files for network interfaces had to be adapted because they were too long (> 15 characters). This applied to files that have been added for MorphOS and Poseidon USB. Long names are now all shorter.
- The names of the network drivers for Poseidon USB have not all been correct and had to be corrected.
- The documentation now goes into more detail how to add a server in "DEVS:Internet/servers" and includes specific examples.
- In "DEVS: Internet / servers" new entries for the use of Samba have been added, and have to be activated after you've installed Samba.

About Roadshow:

Roadshow is an Amiga TCP/IP stack allows you to connect to the Internet, access your e-mail, web pages, chat, etc. It can also help you access and exchange files within your local home network.
Roadshow is one of the fastest, if not the fastest Amiga TCP/IP stack.

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Amiga Future Issues 85 (English and German version) online
Posted by: Trizt on Saturday, February 16, 2013 - 13:44
Submitted by AndreasM
The English and German issue 85 of the Amiga Future are out of stock. Because of that you can read the magazines (amongst many other issues) on-line at (German: ).

Amiga Future Homepage Needs Help

The Amiga Future is a non profit project. That's why the Amiga Future homepage has to manage itself financially.

The huge 15 GB (approx) homepage is entirely paid through advertising, donations and our own private finances.

Particularly expensive are the developments of new expansions, databases and other features.

That's why we ask you to support us by donating money. It allows us to make the homepage more user friendly and much more comprehensive.

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Amiga Future 101 preview and excerpts are now available online
Posted by: Trizt on Saturday, February 16, 2013 - 13:43
Submitted by AndreasM
The full colour preview and excerpts of the Amiga Future issue 101 (March/April 2013) are now available online.

Some article in this issue are:

Digital Universe
Hively Tracker

Of course there's so MUCH more actually in the magazine.

Needless to say you'll find some FULL versions of software, often what was commercially available, as well as the PD software on the cover CD.

A detailed description of content and excerpts can be found at:

The Amiga Future magazine is available as an English and German printed magazine - every issue now available in FULL COLOUR - directly available from the magazine editorial office and also from various other Amiga dealers.


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New Roadshow Webpage online
Posted by: Trizt on Wednesday, February 06, 2013 - 19:19
Submitted by AndreasM
Today the new Roadshow Webpage is online.

Roadshow is an Amiga TCP/IP stack allows you to connect to the Internet, access your e-mail, web pages, chat, etc. It can also help you access and exchange files within your local home network.

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Amiga Future: 100 packages for 100 cent
Posted by: Trizt on Friday, February 01, 2013 - 06:32
Submitted by AndreasM
Matching the Amiga Future issue 100, we have a little offer for you.

100 Amiga Future cover CD packages for each 100 cents (plus shipping).

These are the pressed Amiga Future Issue CoverCDs 32-47.

A total of 16 CDs per package.

You find the offer in our online shop at:

The offer is limited to 100 packets, or ends on February 15th 2013.

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The new CygnusED webpage is online
Posted by: Trizt on Friday, January 25, 2013 - 20:04
Submitted by AndreasM
The CygnusED Webpage is online via a new URL -

CygnusED is currently produced by Olaf Barthel and is one of the most popular text editors for the Amiga.

Albeit slowly, the development of the program is still continuing.

We'd like to get your opinion & thoughts as to what features you'd wish for future versions of CygnusEd.

Please let us know your ideas by writing to us in the support forum of CygnusEd's new webpages so that we can consider supporting them for the program's future releases.

Incidentally, a few days ago the FULL VERSION of the TCP/IP stack ROADSHOW was published which is also developed by Olaf Barthel.

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