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Topic: Amiga

The new items published under this topic are as follows.

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Old Amiga Future issue online
Posted by: gunne on Monday, January 23, 2006 - 17:44
Submitted by AndreasM
On the Amiga Future Homepage you can read now the old issue 15-19 from the german mag, too.


Amiga Future

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Amiga Future Issue 58 (January/February 2006) out
Posted by: ironfist on Monday, January 09, 2006 - 15:58
Submitted by AndreasM
Earlier than planned the new Amiga Future Issue 58 (January/February 2006) has been released.

Again you can find reports regarding all sections.

We have reviewed Desert Racing for the Classic Amiga, BlobWars for AmigaOS 4 and Virtual GP for MorphOS.

Click 'Read more'.

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AmigaOS & CD32 loader
Posted by: gunne on Sunday, January 08, 2006 - 11:47
Submitted by gunne
Marcel 'Frostwork' Unbehaun released a new nice creation for your Pegasos II computer.

This time a loader that loads and boots directly into the genuine Amiga® operating system or CD32 on your Pegasos II, displaying a nice splash-screen during loading.

As default it boots directly into an inserted CD32-CD.

As usual the software-archive is available as free download as torrent in the download section, link in the left column.

Direct link to the torrent file here

Many thanks to Marcel for this nice creation ! Click Read More for further information

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Obligement - French Magazine
Posted by: gunne on Thursday, January 05, 2006 - 18:39
Submitted by gunne
The french Amiga & MorphOS magazine, Obligement have some new articles.

New update of Amiga play, Linux installation tutorials on the Pegasos, and much more...

Read the magazine translated into english here: Obligement in english

See also:

Happy reading !

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OS4-news December
Posted by: gunne on Saturday, December 31, 2005 - 08:41
Submitted by tomazkid
These news are part of the news-exchange between Amigarulez and

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AmigaOS IRC Session log
Posted by: gunne on Wednesday, December 28, 2005 - 22:08
Submitted by gunne
J. 'Trizt' Aho posted a log from an IRC Session with Hyperion about AmigaOS.

Read the log here

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Font & Browsers
Posted by: gunne on Wednesday, December 21, 2005 - 14:59
Submitted by gunne
DoctorMorbius_FP have written a guide concerning Font & Browsers in an Amiga and/or MorphOS environment.

The guide is well worth reading for understanding how to use it in the best way.

Find the guide over at: MorphZone

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Poseidon version 3.2
Posted by: gunne on Monday, December 19, 2005 - 13:18
Submitted by gunne
The Poseidon USB-stack for Amiga Classic computers have been updated to version 3.2.

Read info here

Poseidon USB Homepage

A MorphOS version will soon follow.

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Amiga Future #58 (January/February 2006) Preview and try-out online
Posted by: gunne on Friday, December 16, 2005 - 18:41
Submitted by AndreasM
Already today the preview of the Amiga Future issue 58 (January/February 2006) has gone online.

In this isue there are all articles for all sectors included again.

We have tested Desert Racing for the classic Amiga, Blobwars for AmigaOS 4 and Virtual GP for MorphOS.

But of course there are not only reports about games. There is a review of MyApacheStarter as well as a special about the AmigaOS 4 prefs or RAM and a review of AmiKit.

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Amiga Future subscription WORLDWIDE for Special price
Posted by: gunne on Thursday, December 01, 2005 - 16:06
Submitted by AndreasM
In the month December 2005 we have a special offer for all Amiga Users.

The german print mag Amiga Future with CoverCD 1 year subscription WORLWIDE for only Euro 51.90.

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